Brevel Launches Commercial Plant for Microalgae Protein Supply in Israel

The new facility aims to kick-start the global rollout of Brevel's microalgae protein for the plant-based food market.

Brevel Launches Commercial Plant for Microalgae Protein Supply.
Brevel Launches Commercial Plant for Microalgae Protein Supply.
Eldad Shatz

Microalgae protein company Breve has opened its first commercial plant. The new facility covers 27,000 square feet [2,500 square meters] and has the capacity to produce hundreds of tons of microalgae protein powder to serve the global alternative protein space. The new site, located in the desert periphery of Israel, facilitates the introduction of Brevel's new plant protein to the commercial food market by bringing production up to industrial levels.

From the new facility, Brevel can provide a fresh source of protein extracted from the uniquely grown microalgae belonging to the chlorella family. According to the company, the resulting ingredient is highly nutritious possessing the full amino-acid profile and cost-effective. It has a neutral flavor and color and leaves a negligible environmental footprint. The company expects the new facility to start rolling its first products by the first quarter of 2025.

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How microalgae is made

Brevel cultivates its microalgae in indoor bioreactors via the fermentation of sugars. Unique to its technology is the simultaneous application of light and fermentation, which generates nutrient-rich microalgae in abundant yields, without any gene modification.

Combining light and fermentation to produce microalgae is extremely complex. Until now, fermentation has been confined to dark environments and is instrumental in producing extremely high yields. However, microalgae's natural makeup of nutrients—including protein, lipids, fiber, and pigments—depend on photosynthesis for their development and growth.

Brevel's technology brings together fermentation and light in a single process, resulting in a steady supply of a white powdered 60-70% microalgae protein concentrate. Its robust functional qualities allow for applications into a full range of meat and dairy alternatives. The company will focus first on alternative dairy products. The versatile solutions can boost protein content in dairy alternatives while mimicking the same sensory experience. 

As part of its manufacturing process, Brevel valorizes all of the algae's valuable components, making the oil and fiber byproducts available as clean-label emulsifiers and a source of food enrichment for functional foods and food supplements.

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