RDP Invests $15 Million in Food Bank of the Rockies

The facility will support 179 full-time jobs.

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Rural Development Partners

Rural Development Partners invested $15 million in New Markets Tax Credit financing to help Food Bank of the Rockies expand their distribution center to Aurora, Colorado. Without NMTCs, the expansion would be significantly delayed or scaled back, limiting the ability to address food insecurity. The facility will support 179 full-time jobs, increase farmer sourcing, expand rural outreach, and quadruple the capacity for volunteer operations.

A large commercial kitchen will increase distribution of summer and after-school meals to students, increase capacity for frozen meals, and enable workforce development opportunities. 318% more refrigeration space will accommodate greater distribution of fresh produce anticipating an annual distribution of 96.1 million pounds of food through direct services and network partnerships by 2028.

Food storage and production capacity will increase by 109,000 SF, better supporting program expansion to rural communities. Introduction of the Order Ahead Program will accommodate special dietary needs, and growth of the Food for Kids Program supported. Anticipated increase of food distribution is 1.7 million pounds in 2021 to 5 million pounds in 2028, with pantry sites established at 20 additional schools in underserved rural areas with potential to engage 100+ new rural partners by 2028.

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