American Pecan Promotion Board Launches 'Surprisingly Snackable Pecans' Campaign

The board is taking a "comprehensive shopper marketing approach" to elevate its product.

American Pecan Promotion Board
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FORT WORTH, Texas -- The American Pecan Promotion Board (APPB) is on a mission to evolve the way Americans enjoy pecans. Traditionally viewed as a holiday baking nut, pecans are taking center stage as a nutritious snack option for everyday consumption in the group's new "Surprisingly Snackable Pecans" campaign launching this week.

With 90% of U.S. adults snacking up to three times per day and 81% of nuts being consumed as a snack, the APPB said it sees an opportunity to position pecans as the go-to snack that delivers on both flavor and function.

The APPB has partnered with Signal Theory, a branding agency known for its behavioral science approach to marketing, and creative studio SixTwentySix to create a campaign to reach target audiences across generations.

The APPB is taking a comprehensive shopper marketing approach to lift the category of pecans, with spots available on CTV and streaming platforms, as well as strategies for e-commerce, in-store activations, influencer marketing, social media promotion, digital marketing and out-of-home billboards.

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